
Hello.  My name is Sue and I am interested in promoting holistic and respectful health care.   All women should have access to health care that is devoid of discrimination, humiliation, exploitation, control and abuse.

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended in any manner as professional medical advice.  I am not a medical doctor.   The reader should consult a healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information on this blog for their own situation, or if they have questions or issues regarding a medical condition.



  1. Based on my current WordPress “Like” stats, you are apparently the only other person who thinks that both pelvic exams and pornography are unethical based on the principle that women deserve dignity. It’s funny because I actually used to think that things like porn and stripping were okay, just casual diversions for men, then I woke up and realized how disrespectful they are to women.

    I would guess that most of the rest of the population thinks in both cases that I should “Lighten up.” because these aspects of our culture are “no big deal”. Doesn’t anyone else in the world have a mother or a sister?

    In any case, it’s nice to occasionally find someone who agrees. It gets tough fighting the whole world on your own, although I think you already know that there is more than one of us.

    (Oh, and I’m sorry you don’t get “Likes” back from me. It’s only because I’m more of a writer than a reader, and I find that if I really get involved in social media that it just kills all my time.)

    • Matthew, I agree it is nice to occasionally find someone who agrees – something else we agree on. It is certainly okay not to get “Likes” back from you, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness in mentioning it. I always enjoy reading what you write. Thank you for your comments Matthew 🙂

  2. Above, when you recommend people consult a healthcare provider, I know you might be using that line because you’re afraid of being sued, but isn’t that just a euphemism for consulting a doctor, who is basically the enemy? I think you and I already agree that the problem with consulting a doctor is that he/she could use his/her position of authority to pressure someone into a compromising situation (unnecessary exams, unnecessary medication, unnecessary surgery, …)

    Encourage people to think for themselves. Don’t rely on a blog. Don’t rely on people with medical degrees. Don’t rely on anyone.

  3. This really concerns me. By saying “consult a healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information on this blog”, you’re basically nullifying everything you say and giving control back to the abusers in power.

    So, when the woman goes to consult the gynecologist, the gynecologist will basically say, “Oh, ignore that crazy woman’s blog. You need a pelvic exam. I’ll need you to take off your clothes and spread your legs now.”

    Damn it. See. This is how they control you. They have the power, and they make you afraid to speak up and defy them.

    I’m not afraid. Doctors and lawyers be damned. It’s gone too far.

    • First, the ability of many to freely speak their mind has been greatly impaired by the few who don’t use their brain, do stupid things, blame someone else and sue everyone. You can’t deal with such sense-challenged individuals by presuming their ability to be always responsible for their own actions. You have to deal with them on their lever: by stupid disclaimers ans warnings.

      Second, it is still helpful to know the real facts if you do choose to “consult a healthcare provider”. Very often, the patient will get more truth and less bull$hit if the doctor sees that he patient knows their rights and aware of the real facts.

  4. Matthew, the disclaimer is probably meant to ensure that women do exactly what you are saying and *think for themselves*. Thinking for oneself requires having the freedom to do so; and having this freedom involves accessing balanced information i.e. seeing both sides of the story. I’m sure you would agree that most people have enough intelligence to reach their own conclusions without being told what to think. Also, doctors clearly do serve people some of the time. Note that the disclaimer isn’t necessarily even related to pelvic exams. It seems to me that Sue is simply being respectful of her readers. She seems to be acknowledging that she can’t be responsible for ordaining their condition and that everyone’s circumstance is indeed unique.

  5. Sometimes we need a doctor…
    I don’t view all doctors as the enemy, a few are just as concerned as we are. I shopped around and found a GP prepared to respect my right to decline cancer screening. The system IS warped, no doubt about that…if I were ever harassed by Papscreen or anyone else they’d hear from me in plain terms and if necessary, from my solicitor. I wouldn’t put up with red ink letters month after month or harassment at the clinic/surgery. (as we see happening in the UK with their call and recall system) I’m not a number on the way to a govt-set target. How dare they…

    I feel more comfortable knowing I have a competent and respectful doctor that I can consult when necessary. I don’t believe in routine gyn exams, they’re harmful, and have chosen to decline breast and cervical screening. My decisions, and my GP has accepted my decision…end of story.

    I know women online who avoid all doctors and that worries me…it’s disgraceful that women feel unable to see a doctor for their asthma, diabetes or anything else because they’ll be harassed or coerced into pelvic exams etc…that must be tackled head on – get up and leave, report the doctor & look for someone else. I know it’s harder for American women…many end up locked out of all medical care simply because they refuse screening and excess…it’s a shocking state of affairs. Taking the Pill off script will at least make things a little easier for American women. (if it ever happens) It’s that consult that often triggers the pressure and excess (and coercion), but I know opportunistic testing is also a major problem. (aggressively pressured/coerced into a pap test, breast and pelvic exam when you present with a headache or sprained wrist…IMO, this amounts to assault)
    For too long there have been no consequences when doctors ignored our right to say NO…that needs to change. I’ve found informed women are usually much safer in the consult room.

  6. Thank you, Sue, for this blog site!
    What an eye opener! I hope your frank writings and the wonderful comments will help many women and will promote humane medicine.
    I am following your blog and look forward to reading more.
    Thanks for visiting my site.
    Keep up the good work!

    • Thank you Elkemurphy, I was so delighted to see your comments, the like, and the follow! I hope the same for sure. I enjoyed your recent post (Effects of laughing) immensely, and I’m off to your site to follow you right back.

      • Thank you, Sue, for following my blog! And I’m happy you’ve enjoyed my post so much.
        That’s a great motivation.

  7. Hi Sue,
    Discovered your site via twitter a few days ago and saw tons of good discussion out there on the twitterverse as a result. This is a great public service.

    Have taken some time to read a number of the posts and have learned a lot by reading some of the article links. I thought I had a pretty good understanding of some of these things, but apparently not so much. Would have described myself as someone who understood these issues pretty well but was shocked by some of the stuff I’ve learned.

    Really appreciated those who’ve shared their personal stories. I know of women who’ve experienced similar things, and it was traumatizing for them, and so value the sharing done by the many who have commented on what happened to them. I cannot truly know what it must feel like, but admire the courage of those who have commented and who are advocating for change. The comments on the twitterverse suggested that many women felt less isolated when they heard about how many others had been through similar things.

    It’s good to read the comments by men who have contributed to “for women’s eyes only” in respectful and constructive ways. Can see your site was meant as a safe space for women to read about and discuss these issues and so good to see that a number of the male guests have behaved in a respectful fashion. Hope that more of them will express their support in a similar manner. Couldn’t agree more with Elizabeth’s comment that “this is a fight that should unite, not divide, the sexes”. Really hope that more men will pay respectful visits and add their support.

    Keep up the great work and I hope that many women and the men who love them continue to add their constructive comments to the site!

    • Katharine, once you’ve had your eyes opened then the “craziness” is easy to see – but until that happens the status quo can be a powerful tonic. And sometimes it takes something traumatic like being sexually abused by a doctor, or being harmed by a medical procedure/medication, to wake up and start being a more wary and informed health care consumer. Thank you for the links. I had no idea episiotomy was so harmful, or that it was so difficult for the doctor researching and fighting against the routine practice to have it stopped. Thank goodness for the doctors and others who can recognize harmful practices and who work to expose them, fighting to advocate for the good of patients. The article “Bad Mommy” – wow, well done and beautifully stated Katharine.

  8. I recall reading an episiotomy was a standard procedure in America until the early or late 70s…and of course, on your back and possibly in stirrups is the worst possible position to give birth.
    It’s interesting one of the articles linked by Katherine talks about seeing a doctor or gynecologist when a girl starts menstruating….why? This is a perfectly normal thing, yet this is apparently the trigger to check, “everything is normal”…no wonder after decades of exams these women will say, “if you don’t have your exams, how do you know you’re healthy?” The thinking is…the normal, healthy, asymptomatic female body is only “actually” healthy after it’s been checked by a doctor every year and pronounced free of abnormalities and disease, there is a presumption of disease and abnormal findings with the female body.

    Thankfully, the thinking is/was different in the UK and Australia, a girl would normally only see a doctor with continuing and unusual symptoms, not normal changes. If we had a bit of period pain we might take some OTC medication, my mother slept with a hot water bottle when she was a teenager and had some cramping. This was viewed as normal…
    I see this early trip to the doctor as setting the scene…so that women believe only a doctor can tell them they’re healthy. Women may then need this reassurance right through life or they worry, fear what might be going on in their bodies. You hear it on the forums, “I haven’t been checked this year….”…”there might be abnormal cells”.
    Our asymptomatic bodies should be trusted….and IMO, seeing a doctor for symptoms is the healthiest approach, not for perfectly normal changes or to be reassured our symptom-free body is disease-free, with nothing lurking.
    I would not be taking a child in for an annual exam, IMO, these exams are unnecessary, unhelpful and can only distress and harm.
    Having sex also, triggers medical control…when in fact this is also a natural and normal part of life. Sure we should educate young people about sexually transmitted disease, the use of condoms and we should free up contraception and offer STI self-testing and urine/blood tests. There is absolutely no need for intrusion on the healthy female body…at 30 a woman can be offered a self test device to check for HPV, 95% will be HPV- and not currently at risk. These women can be offered another HPV self test in 5 years time.

    I suspect the profession wants to groom the next generation of females to accept these well-girl/well-woman exams as a necessary part of their lives. After decades of medical “reassurance” the end result is 1 in 3 American women will have a hysterectomy. 1 in 3….
    I’ll trust my body, not the medical profession….and I’ll protect my body from useless, unnecessary and harmful excess.

    • Hi Elizabeth, did you tell me about this site on HealthUnlocked? It’s brilliant. I have been reading it every evening, and although it is about a very sad state of affairs, some of the posts are very funny.

  9. Sue, I find your blog fascinating. I am a physical therapist, training currently in women’s health and pelvic floor physical therapy. We evaluate and treat the pelvic floor for conditions such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain. Part of this work involves internal pelvic exam and treatment manually. Informed consent and education are a critical component of this process. The internal work is of course, optional for the patient, which I think is the critical aspect giving them control over the process. There is external work that can be done for their condition, though usually not as effective. Just wondered what your opinion on this work was. Our website is http://www.womenshealthapta.org.

    • Thank you for your comments and your visit Amy. I visited your website and it looks as if the work you do is very valuable and helps many women. I am in favor of physical therapy over medications to treat conditions of any kind. It is wonderful how you appear to empower women through education, personal involvement, and informed consent. However, I was saddened by the thought of how many of your clients may be women who have been harmed from hysterectomy and other gynecological “treatments” that are often unnecessary, and by how many women are not having the potential harms of gynecological surgery/treatments explained to them beforehand. For example, many women are not aware that hysterectomy can result in chronic and debilitating pain and urinary incontinence http://www.hersfoundation.com/effects.html I do appreciate the work you do, and how you go about it – but I am somewhat disheartened by the thought of how many women would not be needing your services if they were treated more respectfully and offered complete and truthful information, and an opportunity to make an informed decision free from coercion, at each and every doctor’s visit.

  10. Thank you so much for your blog Sue!

    I had been getting fed up with the scaremongering and pap smear propaganda, I remember reading once that cervical cancer was rare and was wondering why this wasn’t widely publicised. I googled ‘cervical cancer rare’ just yesterday and came across your blog. I have learnt so much reading it already. I am in my late twenties and have only had the one pap smear about four years ago. We’re only ever told that it is momentarily ‘uncomfortable.’ For a lot of women it is downright agonizing. It was for me. I am tired of being made to feel guilty and feeling like my life is now a ticking cervical cancer time bomb for choosing not to have one again. This blog is a breath of fresh bs free air. Thank you!

    • You’re welcome, and thank you very much for your comments. I was in your shoes not too long ago – searching for information that shouldn’t be so difficult to find, but that is in fact extremely difficult to find. I remember feeling frustrated by the lack of information available regarding the basic facts, such as the incidence of cervical cancer. I was shocked to discover just how rare it is and also wondered why this information was not widely publicized. In my opinion this type of information should be offered freely to women so they are able to make an informed decision. Women should always be offered information and a choice regarding cervical cancer screening, and should never be kept misinformed and coerced into it. Another source for information and support is Blogcritics: http://blogcritics.org/culture/article/unnecessary-pap-smears/comments-page-202/#comments and there is also Yazzmyne’s site: http://womenagainststirrups.proboards.com/index.cgi (which you might already know about). I’m so glad you found your way here and that you have been learning more about this topic too.

  11. Has anyone ever addressed screening for colon cancer on this site? Speaking of invasive exams, this one ranks right up there with pelvic exams, and once you’re over 50, it ‘s one of the things they try to push.

    Thst, and flu shots, but that’s another matter entirely

  12. I’m researching the area at the moment, Elaine. (I’m 55)
    So far it’s been rejected…only 3% of polyps turn into invasive cancer, then there is the risk of infection and perforation, some say it can cause diverticulitis and IBS. (trauma to the colon)
    Dr Gilbert Welch is doing a huge randomized controlled trial comparing the FOBT with the colonoscopy. If the FOBT is just as good, why bother with the much more expensive and invasive test that carries serious risk? Sadly, the results won’t be available for many years.
    You can’t discount the fact the colonoscopy is a cash cow for specialists and hospitals, that always leads to a very high recommendation to screen.

    So I’m cautious and taking my time. My mother had surgery for bowel cancer at age 77/78, so I have a slightly raised risk of getting bowel cancer.
    I did the FOBT, which came back negative for blood.
    I figured if there was blood present, I’d want to know about it…although I wasn’t 100% sure about that either. Lots of benign things can lead to blood in the sample. The next step after a positive finding is the colonoscopy. Most end up going down that path, it’s hard to leave a “positive” sitting on your file, the worry of it usually drives most into the procedure room.
    We can be seduced by a “simple” test…which is not good, it can lead to some serious places. (The The PSA and the CA-125 blood tests are perfect examples)

    Dr Margaret McCartney has covered bowel screening in her book, “Patient Paradox”, she’s declined pap tests, will decline mammograms when she turns 50 and is not entirely sure about bowel screening, but at this point, on the evidence, probably will not have bowel screening.
    I “think” Gilbert Welch also, had one colonoscopy, but has said he won’t be having any more in the future.
    The other point: colonoscopies do not result in a reduction of all-cause mortality, screened people die in the same numbers, but with more cardiac events. Why? No one is sure.
    Also, the colonoscopy often misses polyps/cancers in the ascending colon, so a colonoscopy is not bullet-proof protection from colon cancer.
    It’s a weighing up process…risks v benefits.

    Also, if you have one, make sure you go to someone with a good reputation, preferably someone who does colonoscopies all day long, (gastroenterologists) someone very experienced who works in a decent hospital/clinic.

    I thought this article was interesting, written by an American gastroenterologist.

  13. I am an adult male who was sexually assaulted by a female anesthesiologist while I was having surgery on my hand. The doctor was relieving the main anesthesiologist and did not know I was wide awake and alert. She felt free to fondle my genitals several times. I then had the experience of reporting this incident to the hospital and various state agencies in California, the police, the Medical Board, etc. I found an amazing obstacle course. So I agree that the medical world is filled with barriers for people who have been abused by doctors. I am a credentialed teacher and legally required to report any abuse of children I might suspect to state authorities. Shouldn’t doctors and all medical providers be required to report suspected abuse to authorities outside the institution they work in?

    I understand this sight is meant for women. There are not many resources for men abused by women doctors, at least I haven’t found them.

    Jim Morgan
    Oakland, California

  14. The man who was abused during surgery. This is very disturbing and I hope you are getting some help. It is more common than people think. These people are getting away with it. Being a teacher you know that predators are around. That type of abuse of vulnerable people and children makes me very angry and upset.

    The problem with doing the FOBT given by the doctor is then you will be entered into the colon check government registry. They are going to use the same coercion as with other cancer screening. The test is easy enough to fool by taking vitamin C but too many ways to get a false positive for me. People should be able to develop the test themselves at home with the reagent, I think it is 3% hydrogen peroxide and then approach their doctor after. I just do not want to be in the “system” .

    The colonscopy has risks. The enema used before hand clears out almost the entire intestinal flora that worries me more than ever. Also the equipment cannot be cleaned and sterilized properly. You are getting someone else’s toilet up your ass into your body. The risk is HIV, hep c and other infections. I would not want one unless I had serious symptoms.

    Wow I am going to be 50 next year. I am just going to love the hassles from the doctor. He is attending some symposium on “dealing with difficult patients” and legal advice. I have to remind myself to stay healthy for a while. I am going to die one day anyway. So why get so scared about it.

    The canadian government voted against voluntary euthanasia. It seems that people will have to put with whatever medical tortures are put to them and then die. Last week an elderly couple committed suicide because they were over 80 and had much suffering. They jumped off their 15th floor balcony.

  15. I was just wondering- what do you think has happened to the Blogcritics page? I am reading now the archive- it is INVALUABLE. A safe space, where women were allowed to express their desire for reproductive and bodily autonomy. The comments got lost about 8 months ago, and there are comments (altough way less than roughly 10.000) under articles older than 8 months. I generally do not care about conspiracies, but I really do wonder- I hope it only takes time due to the overwhelming amount of comments…

  16. I would recommend posting that your are NOT a medical professional dispensing medical advice at the beginning of each blog. I reviewed the articles you cited and you take a number of key issues out of context. Others claims attributed to the articles I was not able to find at all. What I did find that the US is re-evaluating the necessity of annual pap exams, especially with a full series of HVP vaccines since most cervical cancers originate from one type or another of HVP virus. A pap is designed to detect abnormal cells – which would then lead to a repeat pap or further diagnostic work. The majority of equipment is disposable so spreading any bacteria, virus or fungus between patients is unlikely to happen from the equipment. (I always as the provider to wash his or her hands, not just use slap on gloves. The gloves are meant for their protection, not the patients’.)

    I am a firm believer in the holistic approach to treatment of diseases, but as a medical professional and epidemiologist, I know how to interpret data. Pap tests DO reduce the mortality rate (deaths) from cervical cancer in specific populations. Perhaps you should research healthcare disparities and address the women who are at risk for cervical cancer and do not have the ways or means to obtain the necessary tests.

    I refer readers to: http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/basic_info/screening.htm
    and some of your own articles.

    The second reference I listed has the most current guidelines – far different than the ones you listed in your blog.

    • Some reuse speculums there have been documented cases where they were not cleaned and refused. BC of your job I suspect you have a vested interest in woman getting pap smears.

  17. SOUTH LYON, Mich. (WXYZ) – The family of 23-year-old Brian Randolph says the only reason the Michigan man robbed a bank was to pay for his young daughter’s chemo treatments.

    Now, he’s being held on $500,000 bond.

    “He just asked me, when am I gonna get out of here. I said you may not get out of here,” says Karri Mitchell, Randolph’s attorney.

    Randolph was arrested Aug.14, two days after police say he robbed a Vibe Credit Union in South Lyon, a Detroit suburb.

    His 1-year-old daughter’s insurance was abruptly canceled, and with no money, his family says the desperate father tried robbing a bank.

    His girlfriend said “I’m not sure what he was thinking at that point, but at the end of the day the only thing I can think about is him trying to take care of his child.”

    Brailynn Randolph goes to chemo every four weeks, as she battles retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

    Police say surveillance photos show Randolph giving the teller a note, also indicating he had a gun on Aug. 12, but never showed one.

    His aunt tells us, “The only thing he kept telling me is I want to be the man I’m supposed to be. I want to provide for my child.”

    Brailynn’s mother said the insurance company finally called her back. She was told the insurance was canceled because she didn’t renew the policy once Brailynn turned one.

    She claims she wasn’t aware that was necessary. She says she’s still working on getting back coverage for Brailynn.

    Randolph is expected back in court Wednesday morning for a preliminary hearing.

    Brailynn’s mother started a GoFundMe page last year after the diagnosis.

    Copyright 2015 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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    people so desperate for health care being ripped off my medical community. This child has a serious illness and i’m sure is being way over charged for treatment!

    In the us the labs decide what prices to charge with our regulation. Drs. and hospitals way over charge.

    if you can afford it and the Dr; chooses to see you you get medical treatment in us!
    its all about insurance and billing. Patient care is a thing of the past.

    i’m glad i only a Dr. for thyroid meds. I can’t stand dealing their staff and the whole procedure!

    You are just a package on an assembly line.

  18. i am being refused a blood test follow up and subsequent appointment with my obgyn due to the fact i declined a colposcopy (the 3rd one, hard to keep track of all the scrapes). I have PCOS and to be clear and not seen as a hypocrite- i have not made large attempts to follow a better PCOS friendly diet, so it’s not a doctor’s fault or something, I know what i need to do and decided to rely on med’s and doctors to “heal” me and increase my fertility.
    I had normal to low blood sugar in the 1st blood test, yet Metformin was prescribed and I agreed. I’m overweight and after being on BC for so long, i got off and BLEW UP, my skin got awful, i felt so aggressive, I started getting hair on my chest! i was depressed and scared. I lost some weight in the beginning, I felt better with the medication and pretty hopeful as I’m an internally healthy female. I’ve been ovulating regularly but no pregnancy. i do have a lot of negative symptoms from the meds that are typical (sick feeling and obvious lowered blood sugar) and with the script coming to an end i wanted to get my levels and discuss weening off the meds, and working WITH MY doctor on a better plan. i want a child and my husband and i are really healthy people, loving and ready! I was told bc i “refused” the colposcopy i was unable to get a script, regardless of health concerns. i have HPV, ive had abnormal paps for years, ive had a few normal ones, ive had mild dysplasia from 2 of the colposcopies and 1 with NOTHING at all, nothing even mild.
    I’ve been taking some natural antivirals in the hopes of knocking the HPV out of my body (thanks for the Gardisil! lol), and getting another yearly pap, see what happens. God’s work is slow.
    They were rude, hyper, and obstinate until i stood up for myself, not an easy task for someone brainwashed to think everyone else knows more than me, about me.
    They will be seeing if they can “make an exception”, no matter what i need to get off of metformin safely and find a new doctor. i wanted to share my story as i know im not alone in finding my way back to health, and healing, and re-igniting the power within me to get myself healthy and conceive. i love your blog, thank you. thank you to all women who provide truthful and natural means to health.
    any suggestions or support is welcome 🙂 i feel fairly lost. my husband found me a great diet plan, because there are some really amazing men out there!!!! hard to find sometimes, lol, but i know ill find my way eventually!

    • But you have the right to refuse any test you wish, it would be abuse if they forced you to have a colposcopy, you also have the right to report them for lack of care (script) simply because you will not allow access to your private area! We have all been taught from a young age that no-one should force entry/touch your sexual areas against your will…..why do they think that this does not apply in the medical field…..because it does you know. Threaten them with reporting their attitude to the medical board. And the words “make an exception” is ridiculous, they dam well better had or simply state that you will report them immediately and find another doctor. Oh and a colposcopy is also not 100%, it is still difficult to diagnose anything and it is operator dependent, one may diagnose differently to another. Good luck and take care.

      • My sister had a false positive Pap test, colposcopy AND biopsy, she had an excess cone biopsy, a dreadful and damaging procedure. The matter was fobbed off with, “probably inflammation from a new brand of tampons”…
        My sister said to me (after she did a lot of reading and accepted she’d been butchered unnecessarily) “why do they care so little about the cervix, it’s there for a reason?”
        I view doctors as someone working for me, like my accountant, dentist or hairdresser, I take advice but the final decision rests with me, if that doesn’t work or I don’t feel I’m being respected and heard, time to find someone else.

  19. thank you!! they did “make an execption” under the guise this is NOW what the wise doctor strongly recommends, which is what i’ve been asking for for a while. I will be getting the blood work and was told to stop taking the medication for a couple of weeks, they will give me an additional test then we can discuss the results with my doctor= what i LM’s about twice and was arguing for yesterday??? but thanks? i think my ability to think for myself was off putting. i’ll be finding a better women’s health clinic for myself, with my chiropractor today. HE actually helps me healllllllll

  20. Hi Sue, and everyone. I just discovered your site a few days ago. I had a LEEP treatment 12 years ago, and have been dealing with the consequences on my physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing ever since. Until last week I had the idea that I was the only person in the world who had suffered these extreme side effects (losing my sexuality pretty much) as I had been told it was a minor procedure, very safe, blah blah, blah. I’m in complete shock that other women have been suffering the consequences too. I’m a writer, and published author, so I’ve decided that my next book will be a memoir about my experiences, healing journey, and what is wrong with the medical approach. I wonder if anyone would be interested to chat about the work you are doing? Or if any women would be interested in talking to me about their experiences? I have been beginning to reach out and connect with other women and talk about what has happened and want to do as much as I can for change in the world.

    • Hi Kate. Welcome to the site. I’m very sorry to hear you have been damaged in this way by smear testing. I hope you continue to heal.

      We put a book on the internet last year and so far it has been downloaded about 600 times so there is a real need for books about it. I am writing one at the moment myself but would be very happy to help you. I know there is other women here who would be glad to help as well. Please feel free to use anything I have previously written about my experiences.

      There is also a section on this site which includes links to academic sites which contain info you could use. The more stuff that gets put out about this miserable test and its consequences the better.


      • thank you so much for you reply LInda? How can I get the book? I’ve been taking a look at the research, which has been very helpful. My book will be a personal memoir but I do want to back it up with research, and perhaps a bit about other women’s stories. Would you be up for talking on the phone sometime? It would be great to hear about what you are doing.

  21. i would like share my experience. i sufffered many exam attempts. i was not helpd with my issue. because I could not have an exam ( body tighten up) I never found out what my issue is.
    i finally quit trying

  22. Hi kate and linda welcome back…
    Kate last year linda and I were collaborating on a book….I’d be glad to help too of you think I can x glad you found your way here kate and welcome back linda …hi to diane too x

    • thank you so much for your reply Kat. I just replied to Linda’s comment, I would be really interested to download your book! And would you be up for speaking on the phone sometime? My mind has been pretty blown to realise that other women have suffered the same as me, and I’m feeling like I’d really like to get together with other women to share ideas, and somehow bring some good out of this traumatic experience.

  23. The book was on smash words the truth about smear tests they don’t want you to know and also you can find it here on call to submissions and later on pap rape both blogs on this site…hope you enjoy x

    • HI Kat, I can’t seem to find it. I have put the title into smash words and it doesn’t come up. Would you mind posting the link?

      • https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/602134

        Hello Kate, sorry I didn’t get in touch sooner, but I think this should take to the book.

        I had refused pap smears since the 1990″s when a doctor forced 2 on me against my will. The first was during my first pregnancy, which brutally made me bleed. I went onto to have premature rupture of the membranes at 37 weeks, and although fine, I suffered a 2nd degree perineal tear, which was extremely painful for many weeks. To add further torture to this the aforementioned doctor decided to ram a large sized speculum into me causing maximum torture, so that she could achieve her 80% screening target, which the UK government offers cash incentives to greedy quacks to achieve. I was told about this site be Elizabeth, after posting about my experience on a UK health website, and have learnt so much.

      • Hi Kate, Write away!
        For decades any real information was deleted, discredited and the writer chastised, banned or moderated. Here in Australia they’re now telling women more of the truth, they have to because they want to reduce the number of tests with the move to HPV primary testing. All the things we’ve been saying for a long time (informed women) are now being mentioned, no wonder so many women are confused, a woman has even started a petition that now has 70,000 signatures, convinced women will die under the new program with later testing and fewer tests. Her actions were prompted after her GP expressed concern about the changes.
        Women here have been horribly over-screened from the start – 2 yearly testing sometimes from mid teens but usually from about 18 until about 70. Testing those under 30 and 2 yearly has provided no additional benefit to women but has created a huge and highly profitable industry in the “treatment” of CIN. (and wasted a fortune in health funding)

        About 77% of screened Australian women will have a colposcopy and usually at least a biopsy in their lifetime. I’ve never been able to find out how many face unnecessary cone biopsies, I suspect no one wanted to know so the research was never done/funded. My younger sister had an excess cone biopsy which left her with a damaged cervix – she did not give informed consent for the test – she was simply told that all women must have Pap tests. (it was probably a new brand of tampons that caused inflammation and the false positive Pap test and colposcopy) Doctors only tested for HPV after these treatments, how convenient, it was called the test of cure – of course, testing before treatment would have taken most women out of the treatment path – not good for vested interests. The sheer number of women having “treatments” also served to scare women into screening compliance.
        Anything that gives women real information, power over their own body and screening decisions, including, self testing, is strongly resisted – block, block and block, drive women Into the program. I consider women’s cancer screening an abuse of our legal rights and body – it operates IMO, outside the law and proper ethical standards.
        We knowingly expose women to risk, we even maximise risk, and condemn large numbers to unnecessary, damaging, and mostly avoidable procedures.
        SO now we have HUGE numbers of “survivors” and they’re very vocal about changing the program to screen from age 25 (it should be 30 if we were following the evidence and putting women first) – we’re getting the inevitable, “I’d be dead if I’d waited until 25…” “most of my friends had a cervical cancer scare before 25″…
        Of course, these young women should never have been tested and “treated”…it was pure excess that generated huge profits for vested interests. We know 1 in 3 Pap tests WILL be “abnormal” in women under 25 – false positives.
        I’m 59 and have never had a Pap test, thank goodness it didn’t make sense to me back in the late 1970s, and I didn’t like or understand the aggressive attitude adopted by pro-screeners and the medical profession. It also concerned me there was zero tolerance for women who might want more information or who decided not to screen – we were defaulters, reckless, immature, silly etc. This is not ethical cancer screening, not even close…

        I hope more women look into this program, the damage has been shocking, the treatment of women appalling, heads should roll…how dare they treat women like public or medical property!
        No Pap tests meant I could never use the Pill, that option was closed off to me, the program worked out early that particular consult was a great opportunity to coerce, pressure and mislead women into testing. I certainly resent the fact I’ve had to live my life around this program but I consider myself one of the VERY lucky ones, so many women have suffered dreadfully from this testing, I feel angry and sad for every one of them.
        Welcome to the forum…

    • I know what you mean Lol! It is so good to know that there is someone out there getting the truth out so that it is enjoyment in a sense 🙂

  24. Hi Kat, I found the book eventually! I have question, maybe someone here can answer. There’s one thing I’m not clear on. In the history of the smear test in the UK, it says that Clarke’s plan was that the smear tests would help him create a private healthcare system, but I don’t quite understand how it helped him? Please excuse my muddled brain! I’d like to mention this in my own book, but don’t quite get it.

    • Hi Kate,
      Our NHS system in the UK is a state run system paid for by our taxes, so healthcare is “free” to use as much as you need as the costs are met by the State. Our Conservative party has always tried to privatise it whenever in power, and right now, large parts of it have already been bought by Richard Branson’s Virgin Healthcare. As you may have guessed, some parts of healthcare are more lucrative than others, and well women exams and screening services are very financially lucrative. Our Ken Clarke set up our cervical screening programme in 1989 and set a big financial incentive for doctors to reach an 80% pap smear target across all UK women, which was ruthlessly pursued. The idea was to make healthcare a profitable business as it is in the US. They are still trying to do this, and the database set up to monitor every British vagina and operate the recall letters is now privately owned by Capita or Serco, (can’t remember). Virgin Healthcare have bought up most sexual health clinics now, and a number of child health services.

      • That’s capita Ada they also run immigration detention centres and torture jobseekers on back to work programmes. They are aka crapita. …pretty good name. I’d actually like to find out what info they have on my vagina .not much I’m guessing after 17 years of no smears but still….

  25. That’s actually scary. Everything going on in the world and the UK NHS Is so obsessed with womens vaginas contraception date of last period ect…I read today soon there could be penicillin resistant forms of TB and we waste more money on smear crap…

    • Would you like a smear test at the same time as your HIV test madam? Or maybe a nice mammogram? ? Roll up roll up…..

  26. anything here on pre existing ptsd? i have a nurse and we have an understanding but might need to go, desperately do not want to. references on sedation?

  27. Hello everyone. I am from Russia and in Russia screenings have been mandatory for a long time. Our Ministry of Healthcare + Ministry of Labor (or whatever are their names in English) introduced certain changes that put your screening in connection with your employment. Simply speaking if you don’t take PAP you lose your job (and since approx 2011 I mean any job, cause actual legislature says that working on a computer more than 50% of your working day obliges you to undergo a visit to a gynecologist + two analyses PAP and another on I don’t know the right English name of, something about infections, every two or every one year). Until very recently you had to go to a gynecologist just to get or renew your driving license. Our current legislature ignores patient rights, human rights and basically it violates our own Constitution. That’s just for your information. Just felt like sharing it here, cause I believe shared knowledge is beneficial itself. Thanks.

    • Hi Tatjana. It seems to me that women everywhere are subjected to this treatment. Doctors are all for ‘state rape’ they all collude as a mass group to jab their fingers and tools in women. All doctors think they have the right to do this to us. There is hardly any who don’t. They dont care for the suffering they cause. There is no such thing as a woman who would like to protect their privacy. For the all women are a target. No man would stand for this. I hate doctors for what they do. Papanicolau was a shit. His memory should be dreadged through shit. His legacy is a world of women subject to gyno exams. I spit on his memory. I would like to start doing that to all doctors.

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